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Diskussionsforen / Tourismus / Thread

Datum Thema
16:21 Uhr
From the airport to downtown (von Bestelle20)

please could you help me? my boss is travelling to Frankfurt and she wants to know how to get from the airport to the down town, I ahve never been to Frankfurt and don't speak German, so I can't really find my way on the German sites

thanks a lot!

12:54 Uhr
Re: From the airport to downtown (von espace)
its is very easy, because directly at the airport is a S-Bahn station, from where you can drive to Frankfurt-City. Have a look at www.rmv.de (also in english).

Am 28.03.2006 um 16:21 Uhr schrieb Bestelle20:
> Hi,
> please could you help me? my boss is travelling to Frankfurt and she wants to know how to get from the airport to the down town, I ahve never been to Frankfurt and don't speak German, so I can't really find my way on the German sites
> thanks a lot!
> Stella